Our excellent wines combined with the art of opera are our passion!
HENKELL VINEYARDS wines always add to the success of a Music Event, whether for pre-performance / interval drinks, for beautiful dinners or for your party after the performance.
We will guide you through all of Victoria’s opera productions (there are more than 30 fully staged opera productions each year), opera concerts, all oratoria and related art song events as well as all Victorian opera venues and opera companies. In our calendar you will find all dates, times and relevant details. You can also find a list of past opera productions.
Think HENKELL VINEYARDS when preparing your next event and contact us (info@henkellvineyards.com.au) to have your event listed and advertised on the calendar!
Henkell Trocken Magnum Chardonnay cabernet sauvignon
winery cellar door
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