
10 Mile Car Park

10 Mile Car Park , Donna Buang Road, WARBUTON 3799

10 Mile Car Park Donna Buang Road WARBUTON 3799


PAK Rubbish Removal

04 0810 4748

Contact for Information

rubbish removal

Contact: Phil Kelly

Lilydale Library

03 9800 6457

Lilydale Library, Anderson Street, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia


Eastern Regional Library located in the Lilydale with WIFI, reading area.  Located near the shire offices. Mon. 10am-5:30pm Tues. 10am-8pm Wed. 10am-8pm Thurs. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-5:30pm Sat. 10am-4pm Sun.… Read more…

Yarra Junction Library

03 9800 6462

Yarra Junction Library, Hoddle Street, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia


Eastern Regional Library located in the Yarra Junction with WIFI, reading area.  Located behind the main shopping centre. Mon. 10am-5:30pm Tues. 10am-5:30pm Wed. 10am-5:30pm Thurs. 10am-7pm Fri.… Read more…

Yarra Ranges Flexi Van

03 9800 6405

See Schedule for times

library mobile

The Yarra Ranges Flexi Van is a library service visits communities in the Yarra Ranges. Manager –  Lorraine Seeger Phone: 98006405 Warburton, Millgrove, Seville, Don Road Schedule