04 0544 0885
Healesville Primary School Hours 7-8:45am 3:30-6:30pm weekdays
out of school hours
04 0544 0885
Healesville Primary School Hours 7-8:45am 3:30-6:30pm weekdays
out of school hours
04 0924 9607
Sat 10 – 11am 2nd and 4th Wednesday 9:30 – 10:30
toy library
Contact: Annie Reagan
Back of Memorial Hall Bell St
04 0878 2254
110 River St HEALESVILLE 3777
Saturday 10:00 – 11:00am (not School Holidays)
toy library
Contact: Kat Tosi
At Healesvile Library Saturdays
03 9370 2247
945 Melba Highway YARRA GLEN 3775
Friday 9:30 – 11:30 am
play groups
Contact: Julia Bennet
During school terms
04 3481 8993
Thursday 9:30 – 11:30 am
play groups
Contact: Julia