Healesville Primary School

View Street, Healesville, Victoria, 3777


03 5962 6201

Healesville Primary School (pop. 350) is located on a sloping, treed, 2 hectare site nestled at the base of the Eastern Ranges, in close proximity to the main business center of Healesville.

The school (established in 1866) is very proud of its history and contribution towards education and the community of Healesville. It will celebrate it’s 150th birthday in November of 2016.

The Healesville area has strong historical links with its Koorie population. As a school we celebrate the diversity of our heritage.

We have a satellite inclusion program from Yarra Ranges Special Development School, who have a purpose built classroom. This exciting program allows all students within the Healesville community to access education at their local school. It is a positive relationship that works for the entire school community. Students  in the program also regularly participate in activities with students at their year level. The expertise of the staff within the program is accessed for students across the whole school.

Healesville Primary School continually aims to provide a friendly, safe and purposeful environment in which students are able to value and enjoy learning together. The ever-present helpers and open and friendly communication between teachers, children and parents is a strength. We endeavor to provide an atmosphere that is stimulating, meaningful and in which all students can experience success. This is achieved by both extension and intervention programs where students, parents and teachers work together as partners in education. 


The school offers a challenging and comprehensive curriculum based on AUSVels.

Healesville Primary School endeavors to be a community school at all times and encourages strong communication especially between home and school. Our children participate in the town’s cultural activities.

Specialist programs of Art, Library, P.E. and Computers are offered along with the following enrichment programs: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Life Education, Camping, Swimming (P-6), Environmental/ Sustainability Program, Instrumental Program, Bike Education, Before and After School Care, Leadership program (5 and 6), Specialist Sports, Reading Assistance Program, the Buddy System and transition programs for kinder and secondary schools.

Healesville Primary School has recently updated computers available in a computer lab and in each classroom as well as an iPad program.

A Before and After School hours child care program run by CAMP Australia, operates each day.

Our School Council meets regularly. The Council’s professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment to the school, are evident in the way it works tirelessly to fundraise and ensure the best possible programs for all children.

An active Parents’ Association supports the school financially and socially.

The canteen provides nutritious food and lunches for children and staff on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Attractive gardens have been planted to complement the uniquely tiered playground, which provides quiet areas, creative play space and separate junior, middle and senior school play equipment, interspersed with football, basketball and cricket facilities.

primary school

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Posted in Primay School

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